Release note: 2.1.0

Version released on January 12, 2023

Major updates

  • FineTune tool — We have launched the ability to fine-tune select models for MT and ASR. You can also view the logs of the model inside the details page for it. Read more
  • Segmentor node and constructor node — We added new nodes into Design! Using the segmentor node and constructor node, members now have the ability to customize the segmentation of the data flowing through their pipelines and reconstruct them back. This optimizes the use of Design for models where the input size matters.
  • Metric node — We added another new node in Design! Members can add benchmarking to their pipelines as a node which gives them the ability to evaluate the performance of their models while a pipeline is running.
  • Activity logs — We added a log for all your activities on aiXplain which allows you to filter them by product and by status. This will give members more control and insight over what activities are being done on their teams such as model fine-tuning and Benchmark reports.

Minor updates

  • Imputation of failed inputs — Now in Benchmark, members have the option to impute the scores of some failed segments to get a higher representation of their data.
  • Added the number of segments to be displayed onto the asset card for datasets.
  • Added the ability to create API keys on aiXplain: In the top menu under team settings, members will be able to generate API keys which can then be used as a universal key to run all of their assets.
  • Removed phone number from registration.
  • Added icons next to AutoMode and FineTune models.
  • Added multiple notifications in platform for Benchmark, FineTune, and AutoMode.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue which didn’t allow saving pipelines without setting decision nodes.
  • Fixed a bug that showed a redundant message when not having enough credits on the platform.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed users to add multiple datasets in benchmarking when they shouldn’t.
  • Fixed a bug where submetrics showed redundant metrics name.
    Fixed an issue with the IQR filter displaying inside the segments tab in a benchmark report.
  • Fixed a bug where the label of the decision node couldn’t be updated.
  • Improved error handling for model and pipeline tryout.