aiXplain Unveils New Branding Indicating A New Chapter in AI Innovation

We are aiXplain, a platform and a community of building no-code/low-code AI solutions. Today, we are proud to unveil our new brand, presenting our new logo that follows an overall update in our visual design language! 🎉

We are proud to say that since our establishment in 2020, we have quickly made a name for ourself in the AI industry. As we continue to grow and innovate, we are excited to share the next chapter of our journey with our customers and partners: a redesign that reflects growth, innovation, and our commitment to AI accessibility for all.

The Early Days: Laying the Foundation

From the beginning, we had a clear vision and a strong belief in our purpose to democratize AI and make it accessible to all. The goal was simple: Create a set of innovative solutions that would help customers build, diagnose, and improve AI systems effortlessly by eliminating complex configurations or manual coding. Today, we are happy to say that we have progressed immensely towards that goal. Our no-code/low-code platform has made building and maintaining complex AI systems almost effortless!

We have seen our platform being used by customers and businesses of all sizes and witnessed first-hand the impact of artificial intelligence on various sectors, including healthcare, finance, media, and more. We are proud to have contributed to the democratization of AI and excited to see what the future holds.

Embracing Change

After going through a couple of years understanding our community and their different needs of building and maintaining AI systems, we decided it was time to make a change to better reflect ourself in the ever changing world of AI. Our brand evolved with our community and we wanted to show them that we embrace their need to navigate this world without them hitting any barrier.

As our customer base expands and encompasses users with varying backgrounds, applications, and objectives, we have finally reached a sense of brand that reflects our dedication to providing a simple, clear, and transparent user experience of building AI systems for users of any background or businesses of any size. We are proud to say that our new brand is just a reflection of our mission: AI accessibility for all.

After months of hard work, we are finally unveiling our new brand that not only still captures the essence of our mission and values, but also strengthens our message to reach a wider audience. Our new logo design features a bolder and more lively look to our pre-existing aiXplain logo while our colorful new visual identity embraces the large AI community of no-code builders, specialists, and companies.

Here’s to a New Chapter

With a touch of vibrancy in our branding that reflects our commitment to innovation and progress, our design language has been updated to represent our greater vision better. We’re confident that our new branding will better resonate with our customers and partners and help us continue to drive growth and impact in the AI industry.