Release note: 1.7.0

Version released on August 31, 2022

Major updates

  • Benchmarking for text classification models — We have expanded our benchmarking capabilities to support text classification models. The current supported functions are Sentiment Analysis and Offensive Language Identification.
  • Subtitling node — We added a new node in aiXplain’s designer, the subtitling node.
  • AutoMode for ASR — Following AutoMode for MT, you can now create your own AutoMode ASR model from Discover.

Minor updates

  • Bring your own models output — We have added the ability for users to upload their models output during the dataset upload and compute the score of that model without the model being onboarded on aiXplain.
  • Bring your own bias categories — Similar to bringing your own model’s output, during dataset upload you can identify categorical columns that you can use for bias analysis and topic classification in benchmarking.