Language instruction
Recording instruction

Build a Voice Cloning AI in minutes!

See how easy it is to build with aiXplain! We’ll show you how by building an all-in-one language translator and voice cloner.

No fees or credit card information required to get started.

You can create this AI solution just like us!

Drag-and-drop your way from an idea to a working AI solution.
The 5 steps to building an all-in-one language translator and voice cloner:

Step 1 Select template

Start by choosing one of our pre-built templates for speech translation.

Step 2 Add Voice Cloning

Extend the speech translation template by adding a voice cloning model.

Step 3 Populate models

Select from our marketplace of speech recognition, translation, and voice cloning models from world-leading AI suppliers.

Step 4 Link nodes

Connect nodes seamlessly, rename inputs and outputs, and optimize node connections.

Step 5 Deploy

Generate an API key and you’re ready to go!

You can now create your own or anything else you wish to build!

Please contact us on Discord if you have any problems.

aiXplain transforms AI ideas into reality

  • Drag-and-drop solution formulation

  • Solution templates to jumpstart your solution

  • World-leading AI assets at your fingertips

  • Immediate interoperability of chained models

  • Flexible deployment options

Want to unlock the magic of AI?

Join aiXplain platform to create any AI solution easily.