A one-stop-shop for ready-to-use AI assets.

Browse aiXplain’s marketplace with 40,000+ models and datasets.
Broadcom Comcast Skechers Cisco Incorta Groq Slide Vectara Embodied Deepgram Translated SDAIA humans.tech AppTek Saudi Arabia Ministry of Justice

Discover features models and datasets from leading suppliers for multiple use-cases and domains. With easy search and browsing capabilities, you can quickly find the perfect models or datasets for your needs. Whether you are looking to use them with aiXplain’s no-code tools or seamlessly integrate them into your workflow through low-code APIs/SDK, aiXplain’s Discover has you covered!

How Discover works in 3 simple steps

  • Search
  • Browse
  • Subscribe
Search for your need

Write what you’re looking for in natural language and aiXplain will filter and display the best matches for you. You can refine the filters and adjust your search at any time!

Browse and find the best matches

Find the assets you need based on your search and filters such as price and popularity. You can also try-out different models and compare their output. Couldn’t find what you’re looking for? Request a custom asset and we will build it for you!

Subscribe, use, and integrate

Subscribe to the assets you wish to use and add them to your dashboard, free of charge! You can use the subscribed assets at any time with all of aiXplain’s tools with no commitment, all pay-per-use. Integrate the models into your work with a low-code API.

35,000+ models
60+ functions
40+ suppliers

Benefits of Discover

Extensive catalog

Discover aiXplain’s ever-expanding catalog of AI assets from leading suppliers in the industry.

Intuitive search

Find the assets you’re looking for in seconds using aiXplain’s proprietary optimized search using natural language.

Seamless integration

Get the models’ API endpoints and access key and integrate them with ease.


Use the assets of your choice at the exact price that the suppliers are offering with no commitment and no added fees.

Watch the demo video to see Discover in action!

Find out if Discover helps your business in any way.

Curious about Discover?

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