Release note: 2.4.1

Version released on August 10, 2023

Major updates

  • FineTune for Search — We are thrilled to introduce the latest feature added to FineTune, FineTune for Search. This feature allows you to customize your own multi-modal search engine using your own data.
  • New Model and Pipeline tryout — We expanded the capabilities of “Try it out!” which is used to run and test models and pipelines on aiXplain. The new update takes a conversational approach and supports models and pipelines with multi-input, multi-output, and multi-modality.

Minor updates

  • Added the ability to download pipeline logs when you try out a pipeline.
  • Added a feedback form which is accessible from the left panel.
  • Added an aiXplain Credit purchase interaction when the user’s balance is low for “Try it out!”.
  • Added the ability to delete assets from asset cards.

SDK updates

  • Refactoring Benchmark on the SDKWe refactored Benchmark SDK to make it consistent with the previously released FineTune SDK.
  • Onboard Dataset and Corpus from an s3 bucketWe added the ability to onboard datasets and corpora to aiXplain from public s3 buckets.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the asset drawer compatibility which allowed collecting assets that are not onboarded yet.